Evidence of an Internet Activist in Action:
Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno
Brian Steel March 2008
Copyright © 2008 Brian Steel
Those who wish to check the methodology of the Internet propagandist Gerald 'Joe' Moreno and reactions to his controversial campaign will find the following sections of references useful.
1. 2006-2008.
Criticisms and complaints about Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno’s propaganda activities.
Alan Kazlev:
‘Joe Moreno’, www.kheper.net/topics/gurus/Joe_Moreno.html
‘Moreno banned from Wikipedia’,
‘Moreno against Robert Priddy’, www.kheper.net/topics/gurus/Moreno_slander_against_Robert_Priddy.htm
‘Sanjay’, www.kheper.net/topics/gurus/Sanjay.html
'Gerald 'Joe' Moreno's Google infovandalism'
'Gerald 'Joe' Moreno. A Case Study of an abusive devotee'
'Gerald Joe Moreno - Links'
Kevin R. D. Shepherd:
‘Sathya Sai and Wikipedia’, www.citizeninitiative.com/sathya_sai_and_wikipedia.htm
‘Kevin R. D. Shepherd in response to Gerald Joe Moreno’, www.citizeninitiative.com/sathya_sai_and_wikipedia.htm#response
(Added on 25 August 2009)
‘Wikipedia, Moreno, Google (2008)’, www.kevinrdshepherd.net/html/22__wikipedia___moreno__google.html
‘Pro-Sai Activist Gerald Joe Moreno’, www.citizeninitiative.com/sathya_sai_and_wikipedia.htm#activist
‘Internet Terrorist Gerald Joe Moreno (2009)’, http://www.kevinrdshepherd.info/internet_terrorist_gerald_joe_moreno.html
Dr. Timothy Conway:
'The Crucial John Hislop Letters, Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya's Defender Joe Moreno', www.enlightened-spirituality.org/Sathya_Sai_Baba_Hislop_letters.html
Conny Larsson:
‘On the Collected Works of Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno of Las Cruces, New Mexico’, www.saibabaexpose.com/libeller.html
‘About Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno’s Chameleon and Deceptive Websites’, www.saibabaexpose.com/JoeFAQ.htm
‘Defender of Sathya Sai Baba and his Organization: Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno of Las Cruces, New Mexico', www.saibabaexpose.com/SaiOrgMoreno.htm
‘Gerald Moreno’, www.saibabaexpose.com/GeraldMoreno.html
Barry Pittard:
‘Serious Defamation Attempt by Gerald Moreno Defeated’, ed. Barry Pittard, for the 7-person Working Committee of the JuST Group, www.saiguru.net/english/articles/new1.htm
Sanjay Dadlani:
‘Gerald ‘Joe’ Moreno’s Deception’, http://morenojoe.blogspot.com
Brian Steel:
‘Diversionary Tactics by an Internet Demagogue. The Campaign of Joe (Gerald) Moreno:
Addendum, 23 August 2008:
A more detailed indictment of Gerald (Joe) Moreno's extensive smear campaigns against all criticism of Sathya Sai Baba has recently been issued by Robert Priddy.
A list of Gerald ‘Joe’Moreno’s 16 known activist sites vigorously dedicated to discrediting and disparaging all critics of Sathya Sai Baba (2003-2008).
The beginning of the campaign
http://vishvarupa.com (c2003)
www.vishvarupa.com (pre-2004)
(Miscellaneous pro-SSB blogs from ?2003 or 2004)
A marked increase in activity and ferocity followed
www.saisathyasai.com (?2006-) His major network of denunciations and disparagement of at least 16 writers and critics
www.sai-fi.net Also a major site, with links to main official and unofficial Sathya Sai Organisation sites.
His growing labyrinth of denunciatory (free) blogs against individual critics
http:// sanjaydadlaniexposed.blogspot.com
(Those four sites are directed at a single critic)
The other major targets so far have been:
http://om-sathya-sai-baba.blogspot.com (Especially about Dr Timothy Conway)
and yet another general all-purpose blog at http://sathyasaibaba.wordpress.com
Other Background references:
Part 3 of a Composite Bibliography on Sathya Sai Baba
New Factors for Researchers to Consider
Other research articles are available on Brian Steel's Sathya Sai Baba Page.